
15 de Febrero 2004

" I got hit on the left, but the pain still lingers... "

I got hit on the left....but the pain still lingers on the right.

The massage therapist took one look at me and said my back and shoulder muscles were still contorted; my shoulders uneven. Some what, 5 months, later? I ache, I'm stiff, I'm sore and tense. I was broadsided on the left but everything shifted to my right side...what is that all about?

I got hit on my left side...but my right side blew up, well all of me is blowing up. Lawd haf mercy, nothing like a hit to the heart to make one realize what an emotional crutch food can be! I honestly never realized that about myself before. There's been plenty written about the phenomenon, and it's much discussed -- how people turn to food for comfort, knowingly or unknowingly, and how excessive "comforting" if you will, can actually be BAD for one's health -- physical, emotional, mental.

So I had to back away from the coconut cake LOL Neither that extra slice of cake, nor that catfish platter was gonna stop the hurt. Kill my fierceness plan, yes. But make me feel better...buffer my heart? Nah, not a chance.

Time...that's all I've got, that is all it takes. I thought that about these muscle strains as well, but me thinks another deep tissue massage will do wonders. Perhaps even speed up the healing. Touch is such a powerful does wonders for the body AND for the soul -- the heart, too. A lil more touching and a lil less cheesecake and I'll be good to go, on my left and my right sides!!

~More to come~