
25 de Enero 2004

Bienvenidos al mundo de Morena

Soy ella. Me da alegre que has venido a visitarme.
Espero que me escribas en mi "log" que se pueda volver el favor.
That's a hearty welcome to those of you
que no habla espanol. I need more practice,can't you tell? LOL

I've been playing online, oh I guesssince about 1999. But I have known the bulk
of y'all since the Blaqcity/Urbandour days, meaning the last
couple years or so. So much has changed,yet, much has remained the same, eh?
If nothing else,I remained entertained by it all LOL!!

My task in 2004 is to work on graphics.
Last year,I wanted to get a handle on the
the whole FTP thing, using my OWN files.
This year, I wanna concentrate on learning how to
manipulate photos and images.
And as much as I LOVE myself, y'all better
learn to love seeing alot of ME!!LMAO time flies.
I literally remember what I was doing 10 years ago!
Who'd a thunk it?
Zhane was rotating through my world
I was working on Capitol Hill
I was falling in love, for the very first time
we were all soon to be 21...official adulthood
watch out world HAHAHAHA LMAO!!

Ten years later, the world is still spinning...
and I am still in one piece, heart, mind, and soul.
My 30s are full of new horizons and challenges,
and for once, I feel "prepared" if you will, to face them.
That "just wing it" feeling isn't so prevalent
and believe it or not I do know SOME things now LOL
Yet, there is still much to learn and experience.
Pray tell, I'll be able to remember it all10 years from NOW!!LOL

I leave you with a current snapshot of
that which moves in Morena's world:
I'm listening to...Rachelle Ferrell
I'm reading...A Love Noire
I'm paying attention to...the 2004 Presidential race
I'm watching...Arrested Development
I'm going...places, and my travel calendar is filling up nicely LOL

Anything else you want insight on, check out my journal
or my pics, they change from time to time.
Don't forget to leave word you were here...

Peace and Blessings ~ Morena