
10 de Enero 2004

" Everything "

Pearl Cleage is one of my favorite authors. I don't think I've disliked a thing she has written. Her latest offering, "Some Things I Never Thought I'd Do" has me reconsidering my top ten list. This is definitely a top 5 favorite.

A couple themes from the text resonated with me; one being protection. At one point, her protagonist, Gina says: "The idea of protection is so central to everything that goes on between men and women, even when we don't admit it. Probably especially when we don't admit it..." Gina goes on to say in reference to the central male figure of the book: "..His unequivocal acceptance of the traditional male role appealed to me on a truly visceral level, but did that mean I had to become a more traditional female to balance things out?"

And I found myself saying, "Yanno?!?!?!" LOL

The other theme that captured my attention was the around the question of what happens next, particularly in love. So Gina goes: "...The question of what lies ahead. The question of what we're getting ready to do. The question of what we will probably upset in the life of the other one. The question of what I'm prepared to give if he really is prepared to take it. To all those questions, I have only one answer: EVERYTHING."

Another, "That's what I'm sayin'" moment here LOL

I think about the relationships I am privvy to witness and I wonder how much of EVERYTHING is really shared, taken, given, received or even welcomed. And the inherent vulnerability in such action. I talk to my sistas and brothas and what I hear is that we all want protection of some sort. No, we don't admit it, but it comes out through our various quests for that one she or he for which everything is EVERYTHING and we can feel protected in knowing they feel the same.

But must I change my role? I've been fairly independent all my life. Liberal in my thinking, at times transgressive in my action. But an admirer of the traditional roles from afar, as to not offend my post-feminist sensibilities. W-h-a-t-e-v-a!! I say bring on the protection. As a woman, what I really need is for a man to act as one, and for me to have the common sense and good will to allow him to. Conversely, he allow me to contribute as a woman can. Be that in all aspects of my life. Protection. When allowed, I believe it can be provided by both men and women to one another. And THAT is the basis for EVERYTHING.

My sistas and brothas, yes, me too....along our various, unique journeys..."Some Things I Never Thought I'd Do".... yea, basically LOL